Wolfgang Resch - Notes

Subplots with ggplot2

November 2, 2012

Since ggplot2 is based on grid, subplots (more than one plot per device) can be created the grid way with these two helper functions:

subplot <- function(r, c) {
# select viewport from layout
#   used to do subplots
# Args:
#   r:  row
#   c:  column
# Returns:
#   viewport for plotting
    viewport(layout.pos.col=c, layout.pos.row=r)
vplayout <- function(r, c) {
# Set up grid layout for creating subplots
# Args:
#   r:  row
#   c:  column
# Returns:
#   viewport
  pushViewport(viewport(layout=grid.layout(r, c)))

which can be used the following way (given two ggplot plot objects p1 and p2):

vplayout(2, 1)
plot(p1, vp = subplot(1,1))
plot(p2, vp = subplot(2,1))

Any of the more advanced grid viewport magic can be used as well. For example [inset plots)[http://learnr.wordpress.com/2009/05/08/ggplot2-plot-inside-a-plot/]. ggplot2 now also provides ways to add plot annotations itself.

###Update This method does not ensure that axes are aligned. A newer post describes how to do this.